(Kennedy-J., 2024)
Dip EM 29" 6" DOR 2 branches, 15 buds Unusual Form Spatulate 2024 Junior Citation
Lavender pink with light pink watermark on petals, light sepals edges and large green to yellow throat. The last blooms on its scapes are frequetnly polymerous. Pod and pollen fertile
(Green Spill x FKA Bob 265)
To honor cancer survivors and in memory of those who lost their battle with cancer, I am donating all proceeds from sales of 'I Think in Pink' to cancer research and support services. The grooving and seersucker texture on blooms of 'I Think in Pink' give it an exotic look reminiscent of a hibiscus blossom. It blooms as a single flower until the very end of its bloom cycle when it can produce a few polymerous blooms like the one pictured below.
$100 DF
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